Friday 24 December 2010

God Is doing a New Thing

Well Hello there people this is a new thing I am doing, Seeing that We have just gone Into Christmas Day, It is 1.20pm on the 25th December 2010 of course It's the celebration of Jesus Birthday,
 I  thought It would be a good time to start this blogger,
You will notice me at times no doubt, speaking in the third person this is not because I am mad lol, but because I am welcoming God into what I do, because without God My Father, Jesus the Son, and The Holy Spirit Three in one I would be totally lost.
So I welcome you Holy Spirit you into this New Blogger, I am going to share my Heart with you, My Creativity, and maybe other's from Expressions will want to share some of their's at a later date.
Who Know's what could come of this, I do want to thank God that he has done some amazing things in me in 2010, His mercy and Grace has been so amazing when we make mistakes which I did, his incredible Love and mercy hold's us up, and I want to thank him for the amazing revelation's he has given to me, Lord I open my heart up to you protect me and my family, In my home and our church family, I give 2011 to you, I surrender to you, I am so hungry for you, I want to go deeper with you and understand you and your ways more everyday.
I write letters to God all the time and pour out my heart to him, He answers me and my prayer's, I want to say to you that 2011 is going to be an amazing year, So be expectant be all God has called you to be, dont hold back He has an amazing plan and destiny for your life, He Loves you so much, I dont know if people may read this who do not know Jesus, But If you do He has a n amazing plan for your life, give your life to him it's the best thing you could ever do, I promise, Follow your dreams with Jesus my friend's Love Louise,
Happy Birthday Jesus, and Happy Christmas my friends xx