Saturday 1 January 2011

Every little girl has a dream, and every woman has a dream and will always be that little girl at heart, I think of my Fairy Tale Castle in Heaven when I look at this photo, It is like me running to my home in Heaven with my Father God, Where there is Freedom, Acceptance, Love, and Adventure!

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1 comment:

  1. Hello! So I stumbled upon your blog because I was searching for this photo in particular. Your caption drew me here. I just wanted to tell you that how you described your feelings towards this photo is quite exactly how I felt about it too. Although, I had the feelings long before I found the photo.

    I'm a writer also and I'm currently working on publishing my novels. The first of them is a Christian allegorical fairytale about the Great Romance between God and man and the church's journey to Christ. Pilgrim's Progress meets Narnia meets Disney fairytales. I think, judging by your blog post, that it would be right up your alley. Would you be up for exchanging emails, so that I may contact you when my book is going to be released? I don't normally do this sort of thing, but the photo was the very first one on the search results and, since the photo was for a demo book cover design for the book I'm speaking to you about, I figured the worst that could happen would be that I never hear back from you. If you'd like to exchange emails, one writer to another, for networking purposes, let me know and I'll see how to go about doing so in a more private and secure way (PM or messages or whatever). Thanks for your time!

    Kelly D. Holmes
